About Quantum
Quantum Innovations is creating new technologies that break down barriers in cardiac surgery, intensive care and cardiology.
The primary objective of Quantum Innovations devices is to increase the safety of invasive procedures performed in worldwide cardiac surgical centers.
Created technologies are introducing new types of sensors into medicine. Sensors can be used directly on the heart, other operated or transplanted organs or inserted into the monitored tissues.
These technologies push the horizon of knowledge about the condition of the operated organs by providing previously unavailable data. The use of new data expands therapeutic options. The technologies being developed have the ability to be used in most invasive medicine disciplines, such as transplantology, vascular surgery, plastic surgery or neurosurgery.
First, we focus on highest volume procedures because supporting these will have the most significant impact on population health. Quantum Innovations uses scientific methodology to analyze and monitor the global market, population status, public health dynamics, progress in medicines, therapy guidelines, and incoming technologies.
We identify critical problems in medical procedures and therapy processes. We design the solution, organize specialist teams, and conduct the technology transfer from concept level to global market.