This is why supporting less invasive surgical coronary surgery really matters!

This is why supporting less invasive surgical coronary surgery really matters!

Population over the world is aging. We see reduced number of deaths in younger individuals. However, the number of deaths in older part of population increases. Why? There is more and more older people. In this cohort main mortality driver is atherosclerosis. When it occurs in coronary arteries then often surgical revascularization is needed (#CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting). Thus we will operate more older patients in close future. 

We know that eliminating cardio-pulmonary bypass (#CPB, extracorporeal circulation) in that cohort can reduce the risk of complications. It is well studied that less invasive off-pump #CABG (#OPCAB, off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting surgery) results in less strokes, renal failure and less costs for societies. 

Our incoming device Heart Sense has a mission – to make OPCAB more frequently used technique in #cardiac surgery.